Track 13

Rozcestník Malá Úpa – Eliščino údolí – Malá Úpa (Pomezní boudy)– Horní Maršov


Malá Úpa was once a paradise for smugglers. The huge price differences and the unavailability of goods on both sides of the border were a great temptation for this dangerous activity. Smugglers carried coffee, spices, alcohol and kerosene from Prussia on their backs (often weighing up to 90 kg). They also delivered high-quality butter and home-made cheese to Prussia. The smugglers had to be strong and sturdy men, able to carry a heavy load and still evade the lurking border guards. The Soví sedlo was one of the main smuggling routes.

Length of the track

13,2 km




Refreshments on the track

Krmelec Kraví hora, Sokolí bouda Malá Úpa,restaurants in Horní Maršov

